Be Proactive Against Self Sabotage

Self Love

Self Talk can make us or break us, the choice is ours!

Sometimes we feel guilty because the person we once were isn’t who we are now. When we evolve, we move out of alignment with certain people around us. Stand proud in who you are. Honor your growth. The people who are meant to be in your life will support you.
— Ash Alves
  • Listen closely to the way we talk to ourselves. I need to love myself in my thoughts, words, and actions. I’m also guilty of saying, “I’m so dumb.” The trick is to listen to our self-talk and turn the language around. “ I made a mistake, and that’s alright.”

  • Regardless of our age, we can change how we treat ourselves. We can be better or worse; the choice is ours. I feel better when I love myself and talk to myself with love and kind words.

  • Practice listening to yourself and change negative words into positive words as soon as you hear the negative self-talk.

When a person is raised in a negative environment but wants a better life, It’s important to recognize that we can choose the direction of our future. First it’s necessary to recognize that we think and behave negatively, then be aware that we can remove the generational chains if we choose. It’s simple but it isn’t easy! We just need to start!!


Mentor, please look like me and talk like me!


Mamá is with me!