
It's not uncommon for people to have different preferences for different languages when it comes to learning and expressing emotions. Language is deeply intertwined with our cultural and personal identity, and the language we use can affect the way we perceive and experience the world.

Many people find that they feel more comfortable expressing emotions and communicating in their native language, while they may prefer to learn in a different language that they are more proficient in. This is because the nuances of language and cultural context can affect how we understand and process information.

Being bilingual can also provide you with unique opportunities and advantages in both personal and professional contexts. You may be able to communicate with a wider range of people and cultures, which can help you build stronger relationships and expand your perspectives.

So, if you find that you learn better in English but express emotions more comfortably in Spanish, that's perfectly normal and understandable. Embrace your bilingualism as a strength and use it to your advantage in all aspects of your life!

HOLA!!!! Embrace your language strengths!


The power of a HUG/un abrazo!!


Mentor, please look like me and talk like me!