The power of a HUG/un abrazo!!

As human beings, we need a lot of things to survive and thrive. We need food and water, shelter, and sleep. But there's something else that we need even more than those basic necessities - hugs.

When you think about it, hugs are pretty amazing. They offer us a sense of comfort and security, a feeling of being loved and cared for. Hugs are essential to our emotional well-being, and they can even have physical health benefits. Studies have shown that hugs can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and boost our immune system.

So why do we need hugs to be happy? Well, there are a few reasons.

First of all, human connection is incredibly important to our emotional health. We're social creatures by nature, and we crave connection with others. Hugs are one of the most basic forms of connection we can have with another person. When we hug someone, we're wrapping our arms around them and letting them know that we care. That sense of connection and intimacy is essential to our happiness.

But hugs aren't just about physical touch. They're also about energy exchange. When we hug someone, we share our energy with them and vice versa. This exchange can help us feel more grounded and centered, and it can also help us feel more connected to the world around us.

Abrazo de amigas

Finally, hugs are an expression of love. When someone hugs us, they show us that they care about us and value our well-being. This expression of love can be incredibly healing, especially for those of us who may be going through a difficult time.

So if you're feeling down or disconnected, remember you need hugs. Take the time to connect with the people you love, and don't be afraid to ask for a hug when needed. Because at the end of the day, hugs are the one thing we all need 12 times a day to grow and thrive truly.

Te mando un ABRAZO!!!


The Intersection of Culture, Sport, and Female Empowerment

